1. Scope of work
  • Clearly state the primary objectives of the assessment, which may include understanding the needs, vulnerabilities, and challenges faced by the affected population in the specified areas within south Sudan.
  • Define the geographic areas or regions where the assessment will take place, including specific locations or communities.
  • pecify the demographic and social characteristics of the target population, such as age groups, gender, and any other relevant factors.
  • Outline the data collection methods to be used, such as surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, and document reviews.
  • Specify whether quantitative and qualitative data will be collected
  • Break down the assessment into specific components, each focusing on a particular issues. (flood affected person, Wars, Health, Education, GBV, Child protection, WASH, etc.)
  • Describe how local communities, affected individuals, and relevant stakeholders will be involved in the assessment process.
  1. Timeline.
  • HAGI concern person will gives timeline for the entire assessment process, including data collection, analysis, reporting, and any follow-up activities as depend on the target and areas of assessment.
  1. Budget and Resources.
  • Provide a budget estimate for the assessment, including costs related to data collection, analysis, personnel, and logistics.
  • Identify the resources required, such as staff, transportation, and equipments.
  1. Risk Assessment.
  • HAGI will be obigated to avoid unvoidable potential risk expose to staffs safety in the area of assessment which will depend either to call off for the survey and hold on until the threat is eracted.
  • HAGI will take responsibility Incase of incident occur due to human mistake otherwise damage will be conpensated equally.
  1. Communication & Reporting.
  • The format and structure of the assessment report will be required from requesting organization so that HAGI team met the standard report dsesired your organization.
  • specification of the key findings, conclusions, and recommendations for each component of the assessment will discuss by both HAGI team and your organization following the assessment structure. Including the report timeline purpose by HAGI.
  1. Data Protection and Privacy.
  • HAGI will compliance with data protection laws and regulations, if applicable.
  • Specify how personal data, if collected during the assessment, will be handled and protected.
  1. Rejection & Termination Clause
  • HAGI team will evualate your organization before carry out assessment on your behave to see whether the assessment requested is relevant with humanitarian crissi or not otherwise will have right to reject the request.
  • If your organization did not met HAGI policy or any inconvince which is outside the agreed work or time will led to termination.
  1. Budget and Resources:
  • Your organization will rovide a budget estimate for the assessment, including costs related to data collection, analysis, personnel, and logistics.
  • Identify the resources required, such as staff, transportation, and equipment.