Emergency Response By UN-FAO implemented by HAGI

The current floods in South Sudan has led to widespread displacement, with thousands of people fleeing their homes and seeking refuge in Yirol East and West counties. These internally displaced persons (IDPs) are often in dire need of basic necessities, including food, shelter, and water. In addition, the flood has disrupted livelihoods and food production, further exacerbating the food security situation in the areas of Jonglei state.

Providing IDPs and host communities with seeds for planting staple crops like sorghum, maize, and groundnuts is essential for ensuring food security.

This will help them to become self-sufficient and reduce their reliance on food aid.

Many communities in Yirol East and West rely on fishing for their food and income.

Providing fishing tools, such as nets, hooks, and lines, will help them to maintain their livelihoods and access essential protein sources.

Encouraging the cultivation of vegetables will improve the nutritional intake of IDPs and host communities.

This will provide them with essential vitamins and minerals that are often lacking in their diets.

Training and Support:

HAGI Team use to carry out training on sustainable farming practices, post-harvest handling, and marketing produce to IDPs and host communities when there is funding to either of these countries or else within South Sudan.

This help them to maximize their yields and improve their livelihoods.

Providing livelihood support help IDPs and host communities to become more food secure and reduce their reliance on external assistance.

This empower them to rebuild their lives and livelihoods, contributing to long-term recovery efforts.

Addressing food insecurity can help to reduce competition for scarce resources and prevent conflict.

Access to diverse food sources will improve the nutritional status of IDPs and host communities.

Supporting local livelihoods that contribute to the long-term development of Yirol East and West counties.

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